2020 Update – July 2020
Other than the obvious, how has 2020 been treating you? Although adjusting to sheltering at home, changes in plans and travel, and finding ways to socialize, there has been some good. I’m enjoying spending more time with my family and experienced some interesting opportunities, which are mentioned below.

Activate the Alley Mural As part of Water Street Studios Activate the Alley initiative to bring awareness to area nonprofits, I am proud to be one of the ten artists commissioned to create a public art mural. The original art will hang in the nonprofit headquarters, and a large scale reproduction will be part of a permanent display outdoors on Water St in Batavia. I chose to illustrate one of the aquatic programs offered by Fox Valley Special Recreation Association (FVSRA.) The client’s reaction was “I LOVE this!!! It turned out perfect.” Read more about FVSRA here. The unveiling of the mural was held Thursday, July 23. If you’re in the neighborhood, on Water St. in Batavia, drive by and take a look.
What I Did To Help
Recently I read a social media post by a musician I follow, Jimbo Hart of Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit, using the hashtag #MaskItOrCasket. Immediately, I visualized the poster I wanted to design. I asked Jimbo if he minded if I created a design referencing “Mask It Or Casket,” and he requested the proceeds would be donated to Covid-19 research. With this in mind, I created a poster featuring my flat illustration style, Using bright colors against a black background, I wanted the poster to be eye-catching and the meaning to be obvious. After posting my design, I was contacted by Design in Quarantine, an archive of designer responses to the Covid-19 pandemic, for permission to include my poster in the archive, which you may view here.
The poster is currently available at https://etsy.me/2ZOvFJE. All profits from the sale of “my passion project” will go to Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO (World Health Organization.) These donations support WHO’s work, including with partners, to track and understand the spread of the virus; to ensure patients get the care they need and frontline workers get essential supplies and information; and to accelerate research and development of a vaccine and treatments for all who need them.Perhaps you have a mission you would like to promote. Let’s talk about how I can help you with your passion project.
Portraiture Video Tour As with many events this year,“Portraiture,” a juried gallery show opening at the Batavia Fine Arts Centre, was cancelled at the beginning of the quarantine. Since the show was already hung, a virtual tour was created, with narration by the artists. You may take the virtual tour below, and learn about the three portraits I have in the exhibit.
How is your summer going? Has 2020 created changes in your business, or perhaps provided you with some exciting ideas or opportunities? Perhaps I can help you bring these ideas to fruition. I hope you and those close to you are in good health. Stay safe, and perhaps we can work together in the near future. Contact Lisa at 630-661-1140 or email.