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Paper and the Environment

Go Green Printing


It’s 2013. We don’t litter. We recycle plastic and glass. Young mothers are using cloth diapers. Gardeners are turning to alternative methods instead of pesticides. Hybrid cars are growing in popularity. Most of us are aware that our actions have an impact on this planet. The current environmental movement began in 1970, when Earth Day was created by Senator Gaylord of Wisconsin. This was the beginning of recognizing environmental issues, and the establishment of government initiatives such as the EPA and the Endangered Species Act.

However, are you avoiding using printed materials because of environmental concerns? Using paper is not bad for the environment. Paper is one of the few truly sustainable products. It is recyclable and it is made from a natural resource that is renewable. If you decide not to use a multi-channel approach to marketing, which means including print, you might be having a negative impact on your business.

You can find “go-green” paper as a choice at at no extra cost. This quality paper is a composite of post consumer fiber, recycled paper and virgin pulp derived from sustainably managed forests. We also use environmentally friendly ink on all our print products. Read more at

Visit Two Sides website for myths and facts concerning the use of paper. Two Sides is a non-profit organization created to promote the responsible production and use of print and paper, and dispel common environmental misconceptions.

Paper is made from renewable resources, and responsibly produced and used paper has many advantages over other, nonrenewable alternative materials
– World Wildlife Fund