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Marketing Resolutions

From my newsletter a few years ago, it’s still good advice.

Did you know that just 8% of people achieve their New Year’s Resolutions?

New Years Resolution Calendar
You may start with the best intentions, but people often fail at achieving the desired outcome. According to, to keep resolutions your goals should be specific. Instead of making a vague promise to “improve my website”, you might also include a focused plan of what needs to be changed on your website and how you will accomplish this. The plan could include where to begin, determining what skills or knowledge may be needed, and then finding another person to keep you accountable and successful. Does adding these details make your list seem overwhelming? Delegating some of these tasks might help overcome the roadblocks and help fulfill your goal.

What resolutions are on your list? If you haven’t started, here is a list of 13 Marketing Musts, as outlined by Small Business Trends.

  • A clean, current, engaging, easy to navigate website.
  • A WordPress blog where you can share your expertise and the expertise of others you admire.
  • A fully developed professional, active Linked In Profile, with recommendations.
  • A Facebook page that you use strategically, respectfully and carefully.
  • Smart use of Twitter for branding yourself and others.
  • Podcasting and listening are hot. Feature quality content from yourself and others.
  • An e-marketing campaign to regularly engage with your permission based A list.
  • A local chamber membership or professional organization to engage in your community.
  • Going to key conferences to meet key people, in person, in your industry.
  • Seminars and workshops to enhance your professional advancement and knowledge.
  • Brand makeover to keep yourself fresh and relevant.
  • Choose smart, strategic partnerships and alliances to add more value and reach.
  • Give back, pay forward, help others, pro bono.

If you used some or all of these “musts” for your business resolutions, would you know how to achieve these goals? Resolution Creative can help you with many of these, whether for print, web, social media or email marketing. Call 630-661-1140 or email and schedule a free brand analysis, and learn how you can get started on fulfilling those resolutions.