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How to Choose a Graphic Designer


It’s more than knowing the software.

What You Should Know to Choose a Graphic Designer.

I recently spent an enjoyable hour reminiscing about obsolete graphic design materials with former classmates on Facebook. Those who became designers after the birth of the Mac do not have the same memories of rapidograph pens, waxers, rubylith or kneaded erasers.

Does remembering the “good ol’ days” make us better designers? No, of course not. In the same sense, knowledge of graphic design software does not necessarily make one a designer either. Both the obsolete technology and the current software are only tools. The argument I always present is that owning a hammer does not make a master carpenter.

What does make one a good designer? Besides knowing the Adobe Creative Suite, what else does a designer need to know?AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) offers a guide on their website, What Designers Need to Know. This list includes perception, visual organization, aesthetics, design theory, art history, and much more. Technology is an important part, because a designer does need to know how to reproduce their work, whether in print or online.

How can you judge whether a graphic designer is the right one for your needs? First of all, take a look at their work. I am surprised how often I am contacted by someone who has not taken the time to look at my online portfolio, or asked to see samples of my work. Ask about their experience; was the work done for a “real world” client or a school project? Also, ask about their creative process; what you can expect when hiring the designer. You’ll find more information in this article, 5 Tips on Choosing a Freelance Graphic Designer.

It’s also important to let the designer know what your budget is for a project. Knowing the budget will allow the designer to create the right solution for your design needs. Do you have a project you’d like to discuss? Learn about the creative process of Resolution Creative, and what to expect.