Planning Ahead
Suddenly, there are cooler temperatures at night. The days are not quite as long, and in the mornings there’s a parade of children passing my house on the way to school. Though not officially fall, summer has come to an end. I don’t think I am alone in suddenly realizing many of the projects planned for this summer have not been completed, or in some cases, even begun. Often we have ambitious plans for a new beginning, but fail to start. Not only in our personal lives, but also in business. Part of this can be attributed to the lack of a system. Working from a list of the actionable steps needed to complete a goal will make the process more efficient, minimize distractions, and keep the project on schedule.
Shirley Mott, The Write Word Copywriting and Editorial, noticed the lack of family outreach in many assisted living communities, often because of an overworked marketing staff. Families are often the decision makers in elder placement, an important target audience and source of referral business. Shirley developed a system used to create a customized newsletter, delivered on a consistent basis. She works with the facility, establishing an editorial schedule with a clear timeline of what the client is expected to provide for each edition, including a photo schedule, event calendar, and interview questions for staff, residents, and volunteers. A designer is hired to develop a branded template for the newsletter. Once all the elements are provided by the client, Shirley creates the articles, writes the lead story, and delivers a print quality pdf to the client. The idea of a regular newsletter is not as daunting when a system is in place.
What projects are on your “to-do” list, but not being completed due to the lack of a plan? Schedule a free consultation with Resolution Creative and we can chat about what needs to be done and how to make sure it gets done.